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Showing posts from September, 2020

Analysis of Migration Laws: Peace or Conflict?

How did migrant labour laws failed migrants? Ignored and disheartened, labourers since ages have faced discrimination at the hands of authorities, capitalists, as well as civic societies. All that was happening beneath the ice surfaced when honourable Prime Minister   announced   nationwide lockdown for the containment of the virus, which hit the nation in   the   last   week   of   March. He   gave four hours to the citizens to prepare for a locked life.   The   chaos, following the announcement   birthing from the lack of coordination   between   Centre   and   State, of whose   prime   example   being   of Interstate migrant labourers, who similar to mass exodus were now returning to their native homes, thus throwing light on the cracks in the implementation of highly ambitious welfare acts. Some of them being, Interstate Migrant Workmen Act, 1979; Minimum Wages Act, 1948; the Contract Labour   (   Regulation and   Abolition) Act,   1970;   The   Equal   Remuneration Act, 1976; a



 Why should we study  Indo- Pak relations? As Carol Moseley Braun puts it rightly " there are no permanent friends or permanent enemies, just permanent interests". The geo-political scenario witnesses volumetric shifts within decades. These transformations are constituted on the bedrock of national interests and domestic politics. Geo-strategic locations, marine economy, international trade, bilateral alliances and historical manifestations come in to play a deciding role in defining these interests in a manner which is not accountable to other nation's gains or losses.  Living in an age where these interests alter quite rapidly casting substantial impact on the foreign policies of respective countries, make it compulsory for everyone those who vest their interests in the international scenario to understand how these changes affect the forthcoming policies. The current paper is going to have a detailed look at the two major countries which have been successful in remaini


 The two ancient civilizations, India and China, are historically and culturally associated with each other and share common attributes like huge population, rising economy, aspiration to be superpower etc. The relations between the two neighbours, though occasionally interspersed with signs of peace and co-operation, have been afflicted with tension and mistrust. It has undergone dramatic changes over the past few decades. In this write-up, I would like to analyse the various factors influencing the Indo-China conflict. a) Ambiguous demarcation of the border  The Sino Indian war of 1962 is a very important event in post-independent Indian history. It led to a broader realignment in the international outlook of India and tethered its foreign policy to realism. Following India’s Independence, China felt that the British had left behind a disputed legacy on the boundary between the two newly formed republics. The 3,488-km long border between India and China is not clearly demarcated thro


The statistics of rape:  One girl is reported to be raped every fifteen minutes in India. 33,356 rape cases were recorded in 2018, 93.9% of these rapes were committed by someone who was known to the victim, and in all these cases the conviction rate is a mere 25%, which translates to the dire reality that only 25 out of 100 rapists actually get convicted of the horrendous crime they committed. The crime rate per 10,00,000 women increased to 58.8% in 2018 in comparison with 57.9% in 2017. India was named the most dangerous country for women in 2018 by the Thomson Reuters Foundation. I have no intention to terrorize or astound you with such unsympathetic figures. But this is the reality. These are no fictitious numbers invented for the intent of this paper, unfortunately, these are real numbers. Though on paper these seem to be just some curved and straight lines of dehumanizing statistics, they have the capacity to rob society of all honors by exposing the ugliest evil in our society- R


 Amartya Sen in his book 'Democracy as Freedom' writes, "a free press and an active political opposition constitute the best early warning system a country threatened by famines can have...”. The thumb-rule for a pandemic is no different. A country that doesn't listen to criticisms and discredits opposition faces the severest consequences. The media that foreclose itself with the establishment and turns a blind eye towards the opposing voices that flag the issues time and again and works for hands in gloves with the ruling dispensation to mock them with the accusation of instilling fear in the public mind is certainly not the fourth pillar of democracy. Countries over the world must not forget the fact that this pandemic is the result of authoritarianism and stifling of dissent. Had there been an independent media and multi-party democracy in China we would not have been locked up in our houses. The scientist who had warned the authorities about a possible outbreak of


Source- Unsplash By- AustinSchmid  For my entire life, I've been told to not to dress like that, to not to eat like that, to not to sit like that, to not to walk like that, to not to talk like that, and the list goes on and on... For my entire life, people have reminded me that 'log kya kahenge'. For my entire life, I've been reminded that we live in a society and we are answerable to it for every action we make. For my entire life, I was told and taught to protect myself. For my entire life, I was expected to be an ideal girl who does not question but obeys the 'so- called' rules and regulations of your society. For I've spent more than half of my life obeying your rules and restricting myself from doing things I love. For I'm like one of those palpitating caged birds who want to fly and explore the world. 'Cause even luxury and comfort can't bring happiness to you until and unless you're free. Freedom is all I long for, freedom is all I


  SOURCE- UNSPLASH BY-  GUILLE POZZI She is a fierce beauty  Kept down inside the Sea of pain She is the power with emotion the creator of this exquisite world Living her life that others defined She is a true definition of sacrifice  Lingering her dreams in cheap frames No one cares to listen to her screams Shivering under the sky in agony Just wanted someone with whom she can cry Running from the wild beasts  Lost in this nature to find her life A little confidence she tried to show But then the bursting breeze of taunts  Don't let her grow An accomplished role model in this world Playing infinite characters till her end Give her wings that she always wanted  Let her fly so no one dare to stop it WRITTEN BY MANISHA