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Showing posts from January, 2025


                      QUEER MOBILITY   BY KIRTI PRATAP “It is revolutionary for any trans person to choose to be seen and visible in a world that tells us we should not exist.  (- Lax coverene) LGBTQIA + mobility is navigated with their quest for acceptance, belonging and self-expression. Mobility is not just moving from a city to a bigger city but also in terms of psychological, economic, and cultural ladder. Travelling on all these ladders they must pay physical costs like all besides an implicit cost of harassment which tends to not decrease. Gender minorities are compelled to opt for more expensive travel alternatives and activity spaces to protect themselves from getting cat called. if they could not afford to do so then they get stuck to a sticky floor of menial jobs and prostitution. Their economic mobility gets hampered.  Physical mobility Moving physi...


ECOFEMINISM : THE INTERSECTION OF WOMEN'S RIGHTS AND ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE                                                       - BY KAJAL Mother nature has always filled human hearts with profound values - compassion, sacrifice, love and respect. She fosters peace and balance amid the dynamism of human life, inspiring us to coexist harmoniously with the world around us. Yet in our pursuit of progress, humanity has often strayed from these guiding values, exploiting both nature and vulnerable communities. Today, the echoes of this imbalance resonate strongly in the struggles faced by women and the planet alike. Ecofeminism, a philosophy and movement, argues that the oppression of women and the degradation of the environment are deeply intertwined, rooted in the same forces that prioritize power and profit over harmony and sustainability. By bridging env...


 - BY SWATI PAL Recently, I had the opportunity to watch the Netflix series "Mamla Legal Hai," a witty exploration of the judiciary and its inner workings. The show adeptly tackles significant issues such as nepotism in the judiciary, the challenges faced by women advocates, and the pervasive nature of patriarchy and male dominance. A particularly striking moment was when advocate Sujata Negi was dismissed by her male colleague, advocate PP, in the courtroom before a female judge vividly illustrating the undervaluation of female advocates in the legal field. This moment ignited my reflection and solidified my decision to choose this topic for further exploration. The widespread presence of male dominance within the framework of patriarchy is particularly troubling in the context of India, the world’s largest democracy. In such a society, where representation is fundamental to maintaining the principles and ideals of democracy, this representation must be mirrored in the socio...


  GENDERED IMPACT OF WAR AND DIPLOMATIC POLICIES - Pawani Malik     UNPACKING GENDER DYNAMICS OF WARS AND PEACEBUILDING This blog will dive you into the detrimental effects of conflict on gender dynamics, particularly concerning women, as they not only endure the aftermath of war but are also specifically targeted as a tactical method of warfare. Rape and sexual violence have been identified as tools of war intended to destabilize families and dismantle the social structure of  communities and societies. Additionally, women face challenges such as displacement,  disrupted livelihoods, limited access to public services, increased burdens at home and in  the workforce, and domestic abuse. Gender influences how individuals experience armed conflict in intricate ways, as military  activities unfold on gendered landscapes. It also interacts with various identity factors such  as age, class, disability, race, religion, and sexual orientation, shapin...