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Showing posts from January, 2024

Does gender influence consumer behaviour?

  By Nandani Kumari Abstract: Gender notions constitute an indelible mark on the tapestry of human experience. Modern scholarship postulates that they deeply influence both social interactions and consumer behaviour. Research consistently demonstrates the impact of gendered self-perceptions across diverse ranges of customer engagement, from the very picks we make on product shelves to the manner we navigate the buying pleasure itself. This essay delves into the elaborate connections between gender notions and customer behaviour, drawing upon pertinent research studies to unveil the nuances and complexities of this dynamic. It also comments on how generalisations about gender’s impact on consumer choices can lead to creation of harmful social biases. Impact on Product Choice: Perhaps, the most readily apparent manifestation of gender's influence lies in the distinct preferences we exhibit towards specific product categories. Kacen and Lee (2002) paint a clear picture of this pheno

Book Review: A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (Mary Wollstonecraft)

By Tanu Yadav “A Vindication of the Rights of Woman: with Strictures on Political and Moral Subjects” by Mary Wollstonecraft is considered to be the very first work of feminist literature and has inspired generations of feminist scholars. It was written in response to French politician Talleyrand-Périgord’s pamphlet on national education, whose ideas seemed distasteful to Wollstonecraft. The central theme of the book revolves around ‘Education for Women’. She highlights the fact that women have been in a disadvantageous position throughout history due to the lack of proper education. She advocates that the flawed education system which prioritizes superficial qualities like beauty and allure over intelligence and virtue is the major cause of the inherent bias between men and women. Societal expectations force women to focus solely on attributes like attractiveness, elegance, and meekness and it was never considered for them to have rational education.  In the first chapter (page 1-39),


By Sneha Dey In 2021 anti-gender equality activists conducted a targeted campaign against Hanna Paranta– a well-known Somali women’s rights activist who uses her Facebook page to support survivors of domestic violence and rape in the Somali diaspora. She was restricted from posting by Facebook as her content had been repeatedly mis-flagged as inappropriate. Without an active Facebook account and that blue badge which marked her status as a verified public figure, her digital work to raise awareness on gender discrimination was shut down.” In our digital age, social media has become an integral part of our daily lives. But beneath its seemingly inclusive façade lies a persistent issue: gender disparity. Despite its potential to connect individuals and amplify voices, social media platforms often fall victim to perpetuating gender-based bias and discrimination. Social media often acts as a mirror, reflecting the gender biases and discrimination present in the society. Stereotypes regar

Feminism and Poststructuralism: A Complex Relationship in Modern Theory

Introduction Feminism and poststructuralism are two influential intellectual movements that have significantly shaped contemporary discourse on gender, power, and identity. Although they emerged from different historical contexts and philosophical underpinnings, these two fields have intersected and engaged in a dynamic dialogue over the years. This article aims to explore the relationship between feminism and poststructuralism, tracing their origins, key concepts, and areas of convergence and tension. By delving into their shared concerns and divergent approaches, we can better understand the complexity of their engagement and its implications for feminist theory and practice. Origins and Foundations Feminism, as a social and political movement, emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries with the primary goal of advocating for women's rights and gender equality. From the first-wave feminism's struggle for women's suffrage to second-wave feminism's focus on repro