“This mad rush for wealth must cease and the labourer must be assured not only of a living wage but also a daily task that is not mere drudgery.” – Mahatma Gandhi Labour is the keystone for production; in fact, we cannot think of production or industries without labour. Even Mahatma Gandhi valued the labourers and asserted their dues. Yet, we see that they are one of the most vulnerable groups prone to poverty especially in emergencies like the Covid-19 pandemic. The pandemic made the plight of the workers discernible. A cover of social security & formalisation of the workforce now seems something which cannot be put on hold for long if India wants to achieve its ambitious developmental goals. It is not that nothing has been done for their security and welfare, rather ‘Labour’ being a subject under Concurrent list, around 44 Labour laws under the purview of central government and above 100 laws under the state governments existed till 1st April 2021 (Before the enforcement of the ...
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