Dr. Ambedkar in his final speech in the constituent assembly said that “however good a Constitution may be, it is sure to turn out bad because of the people who work for it, happen to be bad a lot” The trait of disagreement is fundamental to the nature of human beings. In our social and political engagements, we may likely disagree with our family members, our friends, our colleagues on certain ideas. However, it is only at the root of such disagreements that we can bring the necessary modifications to our ideas. A famous quote by Voltaire concludes this argument, “I disagree with what you say, but I will defend your right to say it” Through this, we understand that even though we agree to dissent with one another on a said notion, we are compelled to guard the very liberty of dissenting with each other. It is the amalgamation of diverse and conflicting ideas or narratives that brings us closer to our quest for inclusivity. ...
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